Alan Field
2012-11-15 13:46:02 UTC
At a previous job when I did a DA the results were equivalent to a DA
OSTC. Now when I do a DA it is equivalent to DA OJOB. I'm at a class this
week where DA is equivalent to DA OSTC.
How do I set DA to default to OSTC. Google and the SDF manual haven't been
much help.
Alan Field
Technical Engineer Principal
BCBS Minnesota
Phone: 651.662.3546 Mobile: 651.428.8826
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OSTC. Now when I do a DA it is equivalent to DA OJOB. I'm at a class this
week where DA is equivalent to DA OSTC.
How do I set DA to default to OSTC. Google and the SDF manual haven't been
much help.
Alan Field
Technical Engineer Principal
BCBS Minnesota
Phone: 651.662.3546 Mobile: 651.428.8826
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