Arial Font printing on Mainframe
(too old to reply)
Lizette Koehler
2008-01-29 20:06:47 UTC
I am trying to help out an application group that is designing forms on a PC and then uploading them to the mainframe for printing.

We have an Infoprint 4445 Printer (?) and what they want to see is an Arial Font that is about a 12 pitch. I do not have a pitch ruler so I am guessing at the 12, it maybe smaller.

I have been looking for manuals or archives that might help me understand how to print Arial on the Mainframe in 12pitch font.

I remember that there are Pagedef and Formdefs that can help, but I have not located a manual that says a GT12 is this or a GF15 is that.

I am just looking for documentation that identifies the normal core fonts that exist on the mainframe (or how to find them) and what ?defs I need to use to get the same page print on the infoprint that I get on a windows attached printer.

We are using ExStream Dialogue drivers on the mainframe to do the print the files from the PC, I am just thinking that perhaps the JCL needs a little Output tweaking.

The test I will use is printing a word doc with Arial 12. Then printing the same file to the mainframe printer. If they are identical, then I have the right combination of stuff (that is the technical term? Stuff?).



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Howard Brazee
2008-01-29 20:20:17 UTC
On 29 Jan 2008 12:06:47 -0800, ***@MINDSPRING.COM (Lizette
Koehler) wrote:

>I am trying to help out an application group that is designing forms on a PC and then uploading them to the mainframe for printing.
>We have an Infoprint 4445 Printer (?) and what they want to see is an Arial Font that is about a 12 pitch. I do not have a pitch ruler so I am guessing at the 12, it maybe smaller.

I'm not familiar with your printer, but I've written programs that
used special fonts (and even colors) on mainframe printers. These
have been designed to work with the printer control language.

Think of Postscript - except what I passed was simpler and less
universal. The JCL would include a line such as:

// PRTM2='(R,,747S),DEST=R0010',

which loads the print program into the printer and tells the operator
what paper to use. Then my CoBOL includes control characters that
that print program recognized to pick the font. My current printer
looks at a character in column 1 and prints a line with that font.
Such lines don't have to include form feeds, allowing multiple fonts
on a printed page.

This is highly individual - you have to work with the particular
mainframe printer.

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Pat Mihalec
2008-01-29 20:27:57 UTC
I know I'm behind the curve, but management is to blame. I am currently
running z/OS 1.4 in 32 byte. I think they are going to let me upgrade, at
The question I need assistance on is this: I am planning on doing a POR so
that I can set the memory for the Tech LPAR for no expanded and IPL it for
64 bit processing. Can I setup the PROD LPAR so that when I'm ready to IPL
it to 64 byte I just need to do the IPL and not a second POR?

Thanks in advance.

Pat Mihalec
Rush University Medical Center
Senior System Programmer
(312) 942-8386

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Mark Jacobs
2008-01-29 20:32:20 UTC
Pat Mihalec wrote:
> I know I'm behind the curve, but management is to blame. I am currently
> running z/OS 1.4 in 32 byte. I think they are going to let me upgrade, at
> last.
> The question I need assistance on is this: I am planning on doing a POR so
> that I can set the memory for the Tech LPAR for no expanded and IPL it for
> 64 bit processing. Can I setup the PROD LPAR so that when I'm ready to IPL
> it to 64 byte I just need to do the IPL and not a second POR?
> Thanks in advance.
> Pat Mihalec
> Rush University Medical Center
> Senior System Programmer
> (312) 942-8386
> ***@rush.edu
You don't need to POR the box. Just deactivate the LPAR, change the
storage allocations in the HMC for the lpar and reactivate/ipl.

If you have ARCHLVL in LOADxx make sure that it specifies 2 (Or take it
out altogether)

Mark Jacobs
Time Customer Service
Tampa, FL

Riley: Find the next number in the sequence: 313, 331, 367, ...? what?

The Doctor: 379. It's a sequence of happy primes, 379.

Martha: Happy what?

The Doctor: Just enter it!

Riley: Are you sure? We only get one chance.

The Doctor: Any number that reduces to one when you take the sum of
the square of its digits and continue iterating until it yields 1 is
a happy number, any number that doesn't, isn't. A happy prime is
both happy and prime.
Doctor Who episode "42"

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Hal Merritt
2008-01-29 20:50:55 UTC
You print on printers, not the mainframe ;-)

Seriously, the printer doc is where you need to look. You send directives to the printer to load whatever fonts, overlays, or action sequences (page eject, etc). If the device can't do that font, then you are out of luck.

Printing subsystems (VPS is one example, AFP another) might offer some facilities to simplify/complicate the process. You would consult that doc to fund out the 'right stuff'.

And, yes, the correct technical term is 'stuff' ;-) I have used some other terms, but they are not suitable for this list :-))

Another possibility is that you may have to route the print data through another program (XMITIP, for example) to get what you want.

Now, IMHO, printing is a career path and my comments may or may not apply to any known reality.

HTH and good luck

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 2:07 PM
Subject: Arial Font printing on Mainframe

I am trying to help out an application group that is designing forms on a PC and then uploading them to the mainframe for printing.

We have an Infoprint 4445 Printer (?) and what they want to see is an Arial Font that is about a 12 pitch. I do not have a pitch ruler so I am guessing at the 12, it maybe smaller.

I have been looking for manuals or archives that might help me understand how to print Arial on the Mainframe in 12pitch font.

I remember that there are Pagedef and Formdefs that can help, but I have not located a manual that says a GT12 is this or a GF15 is that.

I am just looking for documentation that identifies the normal core fonts that exist on the mainframe (or how to find them) and what ?defs I need to use to get the same page print on the infoprint that I get on a windows attached printer.

We are using ExStream Dialogue drivers on the mainframe to do the print the files from the PC, I am just thinking that perhaps the JCL needs a little Output tweaking.

The test I will use is printing a word doc with Arial 12. Then printing the same file to the mainframe printer. If they are identical, then I have the right combination of stuff (that is the technical term? Stuff?).



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Gregory, Gary G
2008-01-29 21:40:18 UTC
GTxx is for the "Gothic Text" font where the XX is the pitch size (GT10
= 10 characters per inch horizontally, GT12 = 12 characters per inch
horizontally), etc.

If I recall correctly, GTxx is a fixed font vs. proportional.

This is going back many years from when I did a lot of PAGEDEF and
FORMDEF generation and I think it's correct.

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Hal Merritt
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: Arial Font printing on Mainframe

You print on printers, not the mainframe ;-)

Seriously, the printer doc is where you need to look. You send
directives to the printer to load whatever fonts, overlays, or action
sequences (page eject, etc). If the device can't do that font, then you
are out of luck.

Printing subsystems (VPS is one example, AFP another) might offer some
facilities to simplify/complicate the process. You would consult that
doc to fund out the 'right stuff'.

And, yes, the correct technical term is 'stuff' ;-) I have used some
other terms, but they are not suitable for this list :-))

Another possibility is that you may have to route the print data through
another program (XMITIP, for example) to get what you want.

Now, IMHO, printing is a career path and my comments may or may not
apply to any known reality.

HTH and good luck

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 2:07 PM
Subject: Arial Font printing on Mainframe

I am trying to help out an application group that is designing forms on
a PC and then uploading them to the mainframe for printing.

We have an Infoprint 4445 Printer (?) and what they want to see is an
Arial Font that is about a 12 pitch. I do not have a pitch ruler so I
am guessing at the 12, it maybe smaller.

I have been looking for manuals or archives that might help me
understand how to print Arial on the Mainframe in 12pitch font.

I remember that there are Pagedef and Formdefs that can help, but I have
not located a manual that says a GT12 is this or a GF15 is that.

I am just looking for documentation that identifies the normal core
fonts that exist on the mainframe (or how to find them) and what ?defs I
need to use to get the same page print on the infoprint that I get on a
windows attached printer.

We are using ExStream Dialogue drivers on the mainframe to do the print
the files from the PC, I am just thinking that perhaps the JCL needs a
little Output tweaking.

The test I will use is printing a word doc with Arial 12. Then printing
the same file to the mainframe printer. If they are identical, then I
have the right combination of stuff (that is the technical term?



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Ron Wells
2008-01-29 21:57:28 UTC
Anyone aware of ACIF being a seperate cost item??? does not seem to come
with PSF4.1 ...
anyone know the prod. number it maybe listed under now..?

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Ken Porowski
2008-01-29 22:21:29 UTC
It is now Enhanced ACIF and is chargeable.
It should be an option under PSF.
5655-M32 PSF 4.1

Our charge was $400/month on a z990-302


5655-M32 IBM Print Services Facility
IBM U.S. Sales Manual
Revised: October 25, 2005.

Enhancements to AFP Conversion and Indexing Facility (ACIF)

ACIF is a utility that helps you prepare print files for transfer to
another print location or to an archival/retrieval system. With Enhanced
ACIF you can convert line data, unformatted ASCII files, or XML data
using instructions in a page definition into the AFP (MO:DCA-P) data
stream. Optionally, Enhanced ACIF can be used to package AFP resources
needed to print the jobs, and to index a document to separate a large
print file into individual documents to facilitate use with
archival/retrieval systems such as IBM Content Manager OnDemand.

In PSF V4, ACIF is enhanced with additional indexing capabilities to
provide more flexibility in defining individual documents and page
groups within a file. Enhanced ACIF is ordered as a separate, optional
feature of PSF. Unlike PSF V3, the Enhanced ACIF feature in PSF V4 can
be ordered without having to pre-req the base PSF feature.

-----Original Message-----
Ron Wells

Anyone aware of ACIF being a seperate cost item??? does not seem to come
with PSF4.1 ...
anyone know the prod. number it maybe listed under now..?

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Ron Wells
2008-01-29 22:28:28 UTC
Thanks Ken

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Ed Gould
2008-01-30 05:44:58 UTC
On Jan 29, 2008, at 2:49 PM, Hal Merritt wrote:

> You print on printers, not the mainframe ;-)
> Seriously, the printer doc is where you need to look. You send
> directives to the printer to load whatever fonts, overlays, or
> action sequences (page eject, etc). If the device can't do that
> font, then you are out of luck.
> Printing subsystems (VPS is one example, AFP another) might offer
> some facilities to simplify/complicate the process. You would
> consult that doc to fund out the 'right stuff'.
> And, yes, the correct technical term is 'stuff' ;-) I have used
> some other terms, but they are not suitable for this list :-))
> Another possibility is that you may have to route the print data
> through another program (XMITIP, for example) to get what you want.
> Now, IMHO, printing is a career path and my comments may or may not
> apply to any known reality.
> HTH and good luck
OK I have not worked in a few years having said that I don't remember
of IBM having an ARIAL font in the 10+ years I worked on the
3800/3820. At the time I thought it was strange. There was at least 1
font book out there that listed most (not all) of IBM's fonts. I was
lucky that I stumbled across a font early on in the 3800 world that
was exactly what they were using on the XEROX machines the 3800
displaced. One bit of information that caused me no end of confusion
is that a printers(professional type) name for a font did not
necessarily equal the IBM font name (not all just some) so if you
find one you like find a printer expert (a real one not the sales
type) at IBM and ask him what the corresponding IBM font name is.

I was pretty lucky as we only had to order one set of fonts. The
problem I had with it was that it was *NOT* SMPe installable. I hope
they changed that,
but in IBM's defense SMP might not have supported fonts (nicely yea I
know they can do IEBCOPY).


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2008-01-30 13:50:40 UTC
> I don't remember ... IBM having an ARIAL font

ISTR there being a "UNIVERS" that was similar to Arial.

> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 23:45:01 -0600
> From: ***@COMCAST.NET
> Subject: Re: Arial Font printing on Mainframe
> OK I have not worked in a few years having said that I don't remember
> of IBM having an ARIAL font in the 10+ years I worked on the
> 3800/3820. At the time I thought it was strange. There was at least 1
> font book out there that listed most (not all) of IBM's fonts. I was
> lucky that I stumbled across a font early on in the 3800 world that
> was exactly what they were using on the XEROX machines the 3800
> displaced. One bit of information that caused me no end of confusion
> is that a printers(professional type) name for a font did not
> necessarily equal the IBM font name (not all just some) so if you
> find one you like find a printer expert (a real one not the sales
> type) at IBM and ask him what the corresponding IBM font name is.
> I was pretty lucky as we only had to order one set of fonts. The
> problem I had with it was that it was *NOT* SMPe installable. I hope
> they changed that,
> but in IBM's defense SMP might not have supported fonts (nicely yea I
> know they can do IEBCOPY).
> Ed

Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail®-get your "fix".
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2008-01-29 21:11:53 UTC
>I am planning on doing a POR so that I can set the memory for the Tech LPAR for no expanded and IPL it for 64 bit processing. Can I setup the PROD LPAR so that when I'm ready to IPL it to 64 byte I just need to do the IPL and not a second POR?

You don't need a POR, at all.
Just change the address mode and memory settings, de-activate and re-activate each LPAR, as you move forward.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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McKown, John
2008-01-29 21:30:17 UTC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> [mailto:IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Ted MacNEIL
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Question on 64 bit
> >I am planning on doing a POR so that I can set the memory
> for the Tech LPAR for no expanded and IPL it for 64 bit
> processing. Can I setup the PROD LPAR so that when I'm ready
> to IPL it to 64 byte I just need to do the IPL and not a second POR?
> You don't need a POR, at all.
> Just change the address mode and memory settings, de-activate
> and re-activate each LPAR, as you move forward.

And you don't even absolutely __need__ to do a deactivate and activate,
just change to 64 bit mode in the LOAD member. If your LPAR defination
has XSTOR in 64 bit mode, you'll just get a whining message at IPL time
and the XSTOR is ignored.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Pat Mihalec
2008-01-29 21:50:36 UTC
Thanks, we have not done any upgrades to the Mainframe in over two years.
My memory cells were very fuzzy on this. I had changed the memory but had
not IPL'd. We just did that now and all is looking good.
The management that was here has left. The decision has been made that the
cpu will remain here for at least 3 more years and the current management
agrees living on unsupported software for that long is not a good idea.
Now I get to take off my new Unix hat and put the MVS hat back on.

Pat Mihalec
Rush University Medical Center
Senior System Programmer
(312) 942-8386

"McKown, John" <***@HEALTHMARKETS.COM>
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU>
01/29/2008 03:29 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU>


Re: Question on 64 bit

> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> [mailto:IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Ted MacNEIL
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Question on 64 bit
> >I am planning on doing a POR so that I can set the memory
> for the Tech LPAR for no expanded and IPL it for 64 bit
> processing. Can I setup the PROD LPAR so that when I'm ready
> to IPL it to 64 byte I just need to do the IPL and not a second POR?
> You don't need a POR, at all.
> Just change the address mode and memory settings, de-activate
> and re-activate each LPAR, as you move forward.

And you don't even absolutely __need__ to do a deactivate and activate,
just change to 64 bit mode in the LOAD member. If your LPAR defination
has XSTOR in 64 bit mode, you'll just get a whining message at IPL time
and the XSTOR is ignored.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

The information contained in this e-mail message may be privileged
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For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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tony babonas
2008-01-29 21:53:29 UTC
Dontcha love it when the platform stays and the management leaves. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU] On Behalf
Of Pat Mihalec
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: Question on 64 bit

Thanks, we have not done any upgrades to the Mainframe in over two years.
My memory cells were very fuzzy on this. I had changed the memory but had
not IPL'd. We just did that now and all is looking good.
The management that was here has left. The decision has been made that the
cpu will remain here for at least 3 more years and the current management
agrees living on unsupported software for that long is not a good idea.
Now I get to take off my new Unix hat and put the MVS hat back on.

Pat Mihalec
Rush University Medical Center
Senior System Programmer
(312) 942-8386

"McKown, John" <***@HEALTHMARKETS.COM>
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU>
01/29/2008 03:29 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU>


Re: Question on 64 bit

> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> [mailto:IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Ted MacNEIL
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Question on 64 bit
> >I am planning on doing a POR so that I can set the memory
> for the Tech LPAR for no expanded and IPL it for 64 bit
> processing. Can I setup the PROD LPAR so that when I'm ready
> to IPL it to 64 byte I just need to do the IPL and not a second POR?
> You don't need a POR, at all.
> Just change the address mode and memory settings, de-activate
> and re-activate each LPAR, as you move forward.

And you don't even absolutely __need__ to do a deactivate and activate,
just change to 64 bit mode in the LOAD member. If your LPAR defination
has XSTOR in 64 bit mode, you'll just get a whining message at IPL time
and the XSTOR is ignored.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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McKown, John
2008-01-29 21:59:40 UTC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> [mailto:IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of tony babonas
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 3:53 PM
> Subject: Re: Question on 64 bit
> Dontcha love it when the platform stays and the management
> leaves. :-)

Yes. We've done that twice now. And the mainframe (z/OS) continues to be
the main, mission critical, server. The previous administration was
going to convert everything on the mainframe to Windows in 9 months. The
current management plans to allow z/OS to die a natural death of old age
(3 to 5 years by their estimate), but is converting a number of Windows
systems to Linux.

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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2008-01-29 21:49:53 UTC
>If your LPAR defination has XSTOR in 64 bit mode, you'll just get a whining message at IPL time and the XSTOR is ignored.

You'll get more than that!
We had a large IMS/DB2 environment that went from 10GB (2C/8E) to 2GB (ignored the XSTOR).
Paging went through the roof; the AUX couldn't handle it; transactions died; eventually the sub-systems crashed.

So, yes, you DO need to de/re-activate and change the definition in a large online environment!

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Tom Schmidt
2008-01-29 21:53:05 UTC
...so are you going to jump from z/OS 1.4 to 1.9 ? Or 1.8?

Tom Schmidt

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Pat Mihalec
2008-01-29 21:56:15 UTC
No, I ordered 1.7 when I still could, just in case. I plan to upgrade to
1.7, knowing that it will be out of support next year. Before the brakes
were put on we had upgraded everything with plans to jump to 64 then 1.7.
Since there are only two of us doing this I am going to stick with that

Pat Mihalec
Rush University Medical Center
Senior System Programmer
(312) 942-8386

Tom Schmidt <***@OASSOFTWARE.COM>
01/29/2008 03:52 PM

IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU, Pat Mihalec <***@rsh.net>
Tom Schmidt <***@OASSOFTWARE.COM>
Re: Question on 64 bit

...so are you going to jump from z/OS 1.4 to 1.9 ? Or 1.8?

Tom Schmidt

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Mark Jacobs
2008-01-29 22:41:19 UTC
Actually 1.7 end of support is September 30, 2008.

Mark jacobs

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Pat Mihalec
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: Question on 64 bit

No, I ordered 1.7 when I still could, just in case. I plan to upgrade to
1.7, knowing that it will be out of support next year. Before the brakes
were put on we had upgraded everything with plans to jump to 64 then
Since there are only two of us doing this I am going to stick with that

Pat Mihalec
Rush University Medical Center
Senior System Programmer
(312) 942-8386

Tom Schmidt <***@OASSOFTWARE.COM>
01/29/2008 03:52 PM

IBM-***@BAMA.UA.EDU, Pat Mihalec <***@rsh.net> cc Tom Schmidt
Re: Question on 64 bit

...so are you going to jump from z/OS 1.4 to 1.9 ? Or 1.8?

Tom Schmidt

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Pat Mihalec
2008-01-29 22:43:46 UTC
Well I still want to go to 1.7 before 1.9. Since I have not really touched
z/OS in two years.

Pat Mihalec
Rush University Medical Center
Senior System Programmer
(312) 942-8386

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2008-01-29 22:18:17 UTC
>The current management plans to allow z/OS to die a natural death of old age

They may die of old age first.
I have been waiting for the 'death of the mainframe' for over 20 years.
Why do we upgrade every 6 months on a dying platform.
And, generate millions of lines of COBOL every year?

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Stephen Y Odo
2008-01-29 22:38:03 UTC
Same here ... we started on our "5-year plan" to migrate off of the
mainframe ... about 17 years ago ...

We're now down to our last big application on the mainframe ... and are
scheduled to decommission our mainframe at the end of this year. But I
heard we ran into a snag with the replacement system. So was told to
plan on keeping the mainframe running 'til around 2011. So we're now
working on upgrading from z/OS 1.4 to 1.7 and then to 1.9 this year to
keep current. Wonder if we'll need new hardware before we're finally
ready to decommission the mainframe? ;->


Ted MacNEIL wrote:
>> The current management plans to allow z/OS to die a natural death of old age
> They may die of old age first.
> I have been waiting for the 'death of the mainframe' for over 20 years.
> Why do we upgrade every 6 months on a dying platform.
> And, generate millions of lines of COBOL every year?

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Chase, John
2008-01-30 14:44:11 UTC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Stephen Y Odo
> Same here ... we started on our "5-year plan" to migrate off
> of the mainframe ... about 17 years ago ...
> We're now down to our last big application on the mainframe
> ... and are scheduled to decommission our mainframe at the
> end of this year. But I heard we ran into a snag with the
> replacement system. So was told to plan on keeping the
> mainframe running 'til around 2011. So we're now working on
> upgrading from z/OS 1.4 to 1.7 and then to 1.9 this year to
> keep current. Wonder if we'll need new hardware before we're finally
> ready to decommission the mainframe? ;->

Well, since you "obviously" have a "zSomething" right now (else you
could not contemplate z/OS 1.7 et seq.), you might want to wait a bit to
upgrade your hardware: "Rumor" has it that z6-based machinery will
become available "soon". :-)


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2008-01-29 22:43:29 UTC
>Same here ... we started on our "5-year plan" to migrate off of the mainframe ... about 17 years ago ...

The company I used to work for, figured it would be 5 years and $100,000,000.
Then they outsourced appdev to an Indian company that never learned how the applications truly worked and downsized the few techies that were left.

They don't have the knowledge base to convert, or maintain.
The mainframe will go away to the atrophy of the remainin skills -- especially the business knowledge.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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2008-01-29 22:45:42 UTC
>Well I still want to go to 1.7 before 1.9. Since I have not really touched z/OS in two years.

You should do that anyways.
1.4 co-existance with anything higher than 1.7 is not supported.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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2008-01-29 22:53:30 UTC
I know it's bad form to reply to your own posts; I wish to clarify.
Since, 1.4 is no longer supported, technically its co-existance is no longer supported with any release.
But, we know it does work with 1.7.

But, your biggest problem is going to be ISV software.
And, a 2-year gap is going to be huge to overcome.

>>Well I still want to go to 1.7 before 1.9. Since I have not really touched z/OS in two years.

>You should do that anyways.
>1.4 co-existance with anything higher than 1.7 is not supported.

Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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Tony Harminc
2008-01-29 23:14:53 UTC
On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 15:06:30 -0500, Lizette Koehler
<***@MINDSPRING.COM> wrote:

>I am trying to help out an application group that is designing forms on a
PC and then uploading them to the mainframe for printing.
>We have an Infoprint 4445 Printer (?) and what they want to see is an Arial
>Font that is about a 12 pitch. I do not have a pitch ruler so I am
guessing at
>the 12, it maybe smaller.

Arial is a proportionally spaced font, so pitch is probably not the right
word. Usually these fonts are measured by point size.

>I have been looking for manuals or archives that might help me understand how
>to print Arial on the Mainframe in 12pitch font.
>I remember that there are Pagedef and Formdefs that can help, but I have not
>located a manual that says a GT12 is this or a GF15 is that.

Those names are part of the IBM naming scheme for fixed pitch fonts.

>I am just looking for documentation that identifies the normal core fonts that
>exist on the mainframe (or how to find them) and what ?defs I need to use to
>get the same page print on the infoprint that I get on a windows attached

Arial is basically the same font as IBM's Sonoran Sans Serif. It is (duh) a
sans serif font, with proportional spacing, and all those fancy things like
kerning and such, that make printed output easier on the eyes.

>We are using ExStream Dialogue drivers on the mainframe to do the print the
>files from the PC, I am just thinking that perhaps the JCL needs a little
>The test I will use is printing a word doc with Arial 12. Then printing
the same
>file to the mainframe printer. If they are identical, then I have the right
>combination of stuff (that is the technical term? Stuff?).

Yup - stuff is the right term. But the kind of stuff you need is the
question. I would do some Googling on terms like AFP, Arial, Sonoran,
Infoprint. But first, I would start with the doc for your ExStream product.
That must surely explain how to print Arial-like fonts on your
mainframe-attached printer.

Tony H.

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2008-01-30 00:43:26 UTC
> Arial is a proportionally spaced font, so pitch is probably not the right
> word. Usually these fonts are measured by point size.

Pitch is a horizontal measure, characters per inch, so GT12
is Gothic characters that are one twelfth of an inch wide.
The higher the pitch number, the smaller the characters.

Point size is a vertical measure, where 72 points equal one inch,
so Arial 12 should print at six lines per inch.
The higher the point size, the larger the characters.

> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:14:42 -0600
> Subject: Re: Arial Font printing on Mainframe
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 15:06:30 -0500, Lizette Koehler
> <***@MINDSPRING.COM> wrote:
> >I am trying to help out an application group that is designing forms on a
> PC and then uploading them to the mainframe for printing.
> >
> >We have an Infoprint 4445 Printer (?) and what they want to see is an Arial
> >Font that is about a 12 pitch. I do not have a pitch ruler so I am
> guessing at
> >the 12, it maybe smaller.
> Arial is a proportionally spaced font, so pitch is probably not the right
> word. Usually these fonts are measured by point size.
> >I have been looking for manuals or archives that might help me understand how
> >to print Arial on the Mainframe in 12pitch font.
> >
> >I remember that there are Pagedef and Formdefs that can help, but I have not
> >located a manual that says a GT12 is this or a GF15 is that.
> Those names are part of the IBM naming scheme for fixed pitch fonts.
> >I am just looking for documentation that identifies the normal core fonts that
> >exist on the mainframe (or how to find them) and what ?defs I need to use to
> >get the same page print on the infoprint that I get on a windows attached
> >printer.
> Arial is basically the same font as IBM's Sonoran Sans Serif. It is (duh) a
> sans serif font, with proportional spacing, and all those fancy things like
> kerning and such, that make printed output easier on the eyes.
> >We are using ExStream Dialogue drivers on the mainframe to do the print the
> >files from the PC, I am just thinking that perhaps the JCL needs a little
> Output
> >tweaking.
> >
> >The test I will use is printing a word doc with Arial 12. Then printing
> the same
> >file to the mainframe printer. If they are identical, then I have the right
> >combination of stuff (that is the technical term? Stuff?).
> Yup - stuff is the right term. But the kind of stuff you need is the
> question. I would do some Googling on terms like AFP, Arial, Sonoran,
> Infoprint. But first, I would start with the doc for your ExStream product.
> That must surely explain how to print Arial-like fonts on your
> mainframe-attached printer.
> Tony H.

Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with star power.
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Natarajan Mohan
2008-01-29 23:36:56 UTC
Arial equivalent fonts on the AFP environment is SONORAN SANS SERIF and HELVETICA. I don't think you could order Sonoran Sans Serif font anymore.
The newer font sets "AFP Font Collection" are bundled with HELVETICA fonts. ARIAL is a Microsoft publicized true type font as HELVETICA substitute. But these all don't make
any difference if AFP printing is not involved. You will have to find out how "ExStream Dialogue drivers" routes print outputs to the printer.

BTW IBM printer division is merged with Ricoh as "Infoprint solutions company". All AFP related software information could be found at the following URL


HTH, Natarajan

>>> Lizette Koehler <***@MINDSPRING.COM> 1/29/2008 12:06 PM >>>
I am trying to help out an application group that is designing forms on a PC and then uploading them to the mainframe for printing.

We have an Infoprint 4445 Printer (?) and what they want to see is an Arial Font that is about a 12 pitch. I do not have a pitch ruler so I am guessing at the 12, it maybe smaller.

I have been looking for manuals or archives that might help me understand how to print Arial on the Mainframe in 12pitch font.

I remember that there are Pagedef and Formdefs that can help, but I have not located a manual that says a GT12 is this or a GF15 is that.

I am just looking for documentation that identifies the normal core fonts that exist on the mainframe (or how to find them) and what ?defs I need to use to get the same page print on the infoprint that I get on a windows attached printer.

We are using ExStream Dialogue drivers on the mainframe to do the print the files from the PC, I am just thinking that perhaps the JCL needs a little Output tweaking.

The test I will use is printing a word doc with Arial 12. Then printing the same file to the mainframe printer. If they are identical, then I have the right combination of stuff (that is the technical term? Stuff?).




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Timothy Sipples
2008-01-30 07:32:50 UTC
In addition to the suggestions you've received, a few more comments:

1. I cannot find that printer model number you mention, so could you double
check that?

2. Windows is capable of printing all fonts using bitmaps. (There's a
checkbox in the printer driver settings that enables that.) The size of the
print job will grow, so that's one disadvantage. If you can transfer and
print bitmaps in some form, this is one option.

3. According to Wikipedia, Arial is just the new Microsoft-created name for
Sonoran Sans Serif. Arial/Sonoran Sans Serif was designed by Monotype.
It's very close in appearance to Linotype's Helvetica, and it is a
variation of Monotype's Grotesque font. Triumvirate, Helios, Megaron, and
Newton fonts are other substitutes for Arial and Helvetica.

4. Both the InfoPrint Fonts (5648-E76) and the AFP Font Collection (
5648-B33) include Helvetica. The former includes only outline Helvetica
while the latter includes both outline and raster (bitmap) Helvetica (240
and 300 dpi). You can still order Sonoran Sans Serif (5771-ABB) -- just
checked -- but I think that's 240 dpi raster format only (e.g. 3820 laser
printing). That may be sufficient, depending on your output device and
appearance goals, but I think I'd look at outline Helvetica first.

Also, PSF for z/OS supports OpenType/TrueType font formats directly. See
this guide (IBM Publication No. G544-5876) for more details:


Assuming you license Monotype's Arial -- it is available for purchase --
presumably you could use it in PSF for z/OS. I don't have too much
information on Exstream Dialogue, but presumbly you could do something

Hope all that helps.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Specializing in Software Architectures Related to System z
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan and IBM Asia-Pacific
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