IBMLINK UPDATE -- Do NOT bookmark the Sign In page
(too old to reply)
2006-08-28 16:38:38 UTC
28 August 2006
Do NOT bookmark the Sign In page

This article provides recommendations on how to access IBMLink pages,
whether invoking a bookmark you previously created, clicking on a link
in a note or document, or entering a URL into your browser. By following
these recommendations, you will have a better experience using IBMLink.

You are advised to use one of the following methods when accessing

* Access the ServiceLink page (the URL that contains
"servicelink/servicelinkPage.jsp") via a bookmark.

* Access the Purchase/upgrade tools page (the URL that contains
"TTPU/displayTTPUPage.jsp") via a bookmark.

* Access a specific IBMLink application (the URL that contains the
application name) via a bookmark.

* Access the ServiceLink page via your country's Support and
Downloads page, then click on Access Premium Services (in the bottom
section called Electronic Tools)

* Access the Purchase/upgrade tools page via your country's
Support and Downloads page (Note: Only selected countries' Support and
Downloads pages have this link)

Additional tips:

* Create a bookmark for the specific application page that you
usually start your IBMLink session with.

For example, if you normally start with the ServiceLink page,
bookmark this page (not the Sign In page). In the US, the ServiceLink
page URL is:

To create a bookmark for this page, follow these steps:

1. Close all of your browsers and open a new browser.
2. Copy the ServiceLink page URL above and paste it into
the new browser, then press Enter.
3. The Sign In page appears. Sign in using your IBM ID and
4. The ServiceLink page appears. Since you have signed in
and have arrived at the ServiceLink page, create a bookmark for it at
this time.

Note: If you want to create a bookmark for a specific
ServiceLink application, click on that ServiceLink application's link
from the ServiceLink page. After arriving at that specific ServiceLink
application's homepage, create a bookmark for it at this time.

* When creating a bookmark, bookmark the application page seen
AFTER the Sign In page (such as the ServiceLink page itself, the
Purchase/upgrade tools page itself, or an application page itself such
as the ETR homepage), but do NOT bookmark the Sign In page itself.

* By invoking a bookmark of an entitled page (i.e. the ServiceLink
page, the Purchase/upgrade tools page, or a specific application page),
the Sign In page will automatically appear, forcing you to enter your
IBM ID and password. Thus, there is NO need to bookmark the Sign In

* You should NEVER bookmark the Sign In page. If you bookmark the
Sign In page, it is likely you will encounter difficulties in accessing
your intended application page. This is especially true as IBMLink
continues to deploy new releases which require changes to the URL

Thank you for your cooperation.

Jim Chappell
503 745-7841
503 349-5603(Cell)

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to ***@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html
2006-08-28 19:17:21 UTC
I have noticed that starting today, automated "ETR Notification"
messages include the link:


This mail is from a Service Machine, please do not reply. If you have
any questions or need further assistance regarding this IBMLink
ServiceLink notification, please go to http://www.ibm.com/ibmlink/link2
The ETR record referenced by the following record number and abstract
has been updated. nnnnn,nnn,nnn The record abstract is not available.


before today:

This mail is from a Service Machine, please do not reply.
The ETR record referenced by the following record number and abstract
has been updated. nnnnn,nnn,nnn

2006-09-06 20:45:35 UTC
This just doesn't work very well..when I launch the bookmarked url

I get here..


and when I sign in, I get a message indicating I'm already signed in
from this url


with a "continue" button which leaves me stranded in "My IBM Profile"
on this url


which has an "exit" hyperlink which lands me BACK at


and I'm looping..until I manually code www.ibmlink.ibm.com where I can
at least get redirected to servicelink.

I've spoken with others at my account encountering the same awkward
path to ETR.

Why is this so difficult?

Post by J***@ibm-main.lst
28 August 2006
Do NOT bookmark the Sign In page
This article provides recommendations on how to access IBMLink pages,
whether invoking a bookmark you previously created, clicking on a link
in a note or document, or entering a URL into your browser. By following
these recommendations, you will have a better experience using IBMLink.
You are advised to use one of the following methods when accessing
* Access the ServiceLink page (the URL that contains
"servicelink/servicelinkPage.jsp") via a bookmark.
* Access the Purchase/upgrade tools page (the URL that contains
"TTPU/displayTTPUPage.jsp") via a bookmark.
* Access a specific IBMLink application (the URL that contains the
application name) via a bookmark.
* Access the ServiceLink page via your country's Support and
Downloads page, then click on Access Premium Services (in the bottom
section called Electronic Tools)
* Access the Purchase/upgrade tools page via your country's
Support and Downloads page (Note: Only selected countries' Support and
Downloads pages have this link)
* Create a bookmark for the specific application page that you
usually start your IBMLink session with.
For example, if you normally start with the ServiceLink page,
bookmark this page (not the Sign In page). In the US, the ServiceLink
1. Close all of your browsers and open a new browser.
2. Copy the ServiceLink page URL above and paste it into
the new browser, then press Enter.
3. The Sign In page appears. Sign in using your IBM ID and
4. The ServiceLink page appears. Since you have signed in
and have arrived at the ServiceLink page, create a bookmark for it at
this time.
Note: If you want to create a bookmark for a specific
ServiceLink application, click on that ServiceLink application's link
from the ServiceLink page. After arriving at that specific ServiceLink
application's homepage, create a bookmark for it at this time.
* When creating a bookmark, bookmark the application page seen
AFTER the Sign In page (such as the ServiceLink page itself, the
Purchase/upgrade tools page itself, or an application page itself such
as the ETR homepage), but do NOT bookmark the Sign In page itself.
* By invoking a bookmark of an entitled page (i.e. the ServiceLink
page, the Purchase/upgrade tools page, or a specific application page),
the Sign In page will automatically appear, forcing you to enter your
IBM ID and password. Thus, there is NO need to bookmark the Sign In
* You should NEVER bookmark the Sign In page. If you bookmark the
Sign In page, it is likely you will encounter difficulties in accessing
your intended application page. This is especially true as IBMLink
continues to deploy new releases which require changes to the URL
Thank you for your cooperation.
Jim Chappell
503 745-7841
503 349-5603(Cell)
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein
For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html